New Network Requests

The following are the evaluation criteria UMA considers when adding Optimistic Oracle support for a new network. UMA aims to support as many networks as possible to deliver the best experience for our integrating protocols and users. However, integrating a new network requires a significant investment. Therefore, the evaluation criteria were established to ensure that the benefits to UMA's integrating protocols and users outweigh the development, security, and operational costs of adding a new network.

Please note that these requirements are subject to change as the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) and Layer 2 ecosystem continue to evolve. Meeting these requirements is the initial step in our evaluation process and does not guarantee support.

Non-Negotiable Criteria:

The below are a pre-requisite to any consideration:

  • EVM-Compatible Network a canonical token and message bridge to mainnet

  • ≥ 2 or more Independent RPC Node Providers (without block range limits for log queries)

  • 30-Day Moving Average TVL on the network > $75M

  • Block Explorer with Etherscan-Compatible API, contract verification and ABI fetching

  • Availability of token mappings data source with Ethereum mainnet

  • Dedicated support channel containing technical members of the network with priority support commitment to advise on contract development and debug data quality

  • Subgraph support for testnet and mainnet

  • Wallet connector libraries support for testnet and mainnet

Additional Criteria for oSnap Support:

  • Snapshot network support for testnet and mainnet

  • SAFE App support for testnet and mainnet

    • Requires app opener with deep linking and transaction service

  • Zodiac support for testnet and mainnet

  • Support for Covalent service

    • Required for balance fetching in transaction builder

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